Author Mads Timmermann
Mads has 14+ years of experience as a skin expert and has written/read this article.
(What is he talking about?!!)
Ok so here’s the riddle:
What is it trapped most of the year, almost always at the bottom, must carry it all, and is almost always ignored when the rest is cared for and nurtured?
Have you guessed it?
It’s OUR FEET of course!
Our feet have to lug us around every day, we squeeze them into shoes with both pointed toes and high heels and yet we often forget them in our daily beauty routine.
- When was the last time you spent half an hour just nurturing your feet?
It's usually something we remember when summer comes. When we exchange our winter boots with summer sandals or flip-flops… THEN we discover the rough skin and calluses. You know the back of your hells which looks like a cheese crust!
Not to speak of the cuticles and the nails!
Hmmm, are you sure it’s really the right match to the fancy summer shoes with open toes?!!
- No right?!
BUT LUCKILY IT’S REALLY SIMPLE to get perfectly groomed feet!
Believe me: There’s no need to endure the cheese crusts. Or those fraying cuticles.
OR the nails which after those anoxic months trapped in your thermo socks have crumbled into tough grooved claws you probably could use to dig for potatoes!
OK, now I’m getting carried away…!
My point is that you can get fantastic feet. All year! And it’s neither difficult nor does it take a long time.
In fact, you can get them just by treating your feet the same way you treat your face. Gently, easy and effectively.
With the three code words: NUTRITION, CARE AND PROTECTION.
QUICK TIP for the cheese cr ... Oops, the rough skin of course:
Before going to bed use a exfoliating skin care product followed by a very rich lotion or even better vaseline.
Then put on a pair of thin cotton socks and slept with them at night.
- Yes yes I know it's not very sexy! But it WILL BE when you wake up next morning with the most deliciously soft feet. Soft and ready to slip into a sexy pair of summer shoes and carry you out into the world which is just waiting to see your WONDERFUL SMILE… and now your BEAUTIFUL FEET as well :-)
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