Author Mads Timmermann
Mads has 14+ years of experience as a skin expert and has written/read this article.
Hi Benjamin
First of all, I'm incredibly sorry, all the terrible things you had to experience, because you've had skin problems! Bullying is terrible and unfortunately it's part of the daily life, for many people with skin problems, especially while they are teenagers!
I really understand your previous frustrations! It's so annoying when skin care manufacturers do not keep their promises. So I'm so glad that you found me and Danish Skin Care! Because anyone with skin problems, should know that they are not alone! And that skin problems are something that can be solved!
Thank you so much for all your sweet words ... I'm so glad you finally got the skin you want! It's so nice to read that you're obviously happy about my simple, gentle and effective skin care series! But it makes me feel even more happy that you've been able to use all the knowledge I've shared over the years about skin problems and skin care... :-)
Before I answer your actual question about a real promo code, I'll just say one thing. Of course I understand, that you want cheaper products and more deals on our amazing skin care. :-)
But my focus has always been to remove all the harmful and bad ingredients like perfume, alcohol and colorants. But I didn't stop there!
- I have removed everything that can irritate your skin! and I've replaced it with good, caring, soothing and amazing ingredients!
And as you probably know! Good ingredients are not cheap. And if there is anything Danish Skin Care would never do, it's to compromise on the ingredients we use in our products. So do not worry. You will continue to get all the amazing ingredients in our skin care series, but I have no plans to lower the prices! That would mean compromising on the ingredients in my skin care products or customer service ... And that is not gonna happen! :-)
But we actually offer some great deals! In fact, we always offer a discount when you buy a complete skin care kit! Just as you do not have to pay for delivery when you buy a complete skin care kit. The total price for a skin care kit is $169.00.
- Reduced price and free shipping without the use of promo codes!
In fact, we also provide free shipping if you indulge yourself with our skin care products for $155,00 and upwards. More discounts and you didn't need any promo codes! :-)
- Get the complete skin care kit and free shipping here:
If you do not follow our newsletter, get on board! You get amazing guides and knowledge about skin problems, skin care and much more! But perhaps even more important in relation to the topic of your question. You will not miss any future deals if I suddenly want to give my amazing followers a special offer! ;-)
In fact, you also save a lot of money by purchasing our complete skin care series! It may sound strange, but in fact my skin care series makes a lot of other skin care products redundant. Because your skin gets everything it needs with my skin care products. So you do not have to spend huge sums of money on boosters, skin tonics or eye cream. Just stick to my simple, gentle and effective skin care series!
But let me return to your question regarding Danish Skin Care and a real promo code and deals, discounts and offers ...
- Because that was what your question was really about! :-)
No, unfortunately Benjamin! You can only find fake Danish Skin Care fake promo codes if you try to find a promo code on the web! But I would not really say unfortunately ... Because if you could actually get the discounts that some of the fake promo code makes you believe. Then the price of the products must be set too high to begin with.
And that is not the case with Danish Skin Care! Therefore, we do not use promo codes or give huge discounts or special deals multiple times a year. Danish Skin Care has a much greater focus on selling quality products at a fair price all year round! :-)
Before you ask the question: "But why are there so many fake Danish Skin Care promo codes when you google after it online?"
It is simply because a lot of websites want to get hold of your particular mail. And when you try to get promo code fake or not, you will have to hand over your mail. And the only reason they try to lure you with a fake promo code is because they want your mail! Afterwards, they can then begin to spam you with advertisements! :-(
And no, there is no promo code, that gives a real discount on our website! So even if you are easily drawn to special deals and promo codes, they all just want to cheat you and get your information and mail!
So my advice to you is:
- You should avoid promo codes found on google and the web! They are fake and do not give you any discounts on my website!
What you should instead do:
- Follow my newsletters and Danish Skin Care on Facebook and Instagram. Participate in our competitions, maybe you will be our next lucky winner! And there's almost always our delicious skin care products for grabs when we hold competitions!
- Keep an eye on our newsletters! It may be that the next newsletter you receive contains a REAL Danish Skin Care promo code! Or super deals, you just can not say no to. :-)
Do not be seduced! Always take care of your mail so you avoid spam! Take care of your information so that they will not be misused on the internet! Websites with promo codes are only out to cheat you! And you will not get cheaper skin care products! - And that's what you wanted, right?
- Remember to buy a complete skin care kit for your skin type, your skin and wallet will love it!
You get products that work and a simple, gentle and effective skin care series. And there is certainly nothing fake about it! And you avoid having to spend extra money on all sorts of unnecessary skin care products! :-)
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