Author Mads Timmermann
Mads has 14+ years of experience as a skin expert and has written/read this article.
Hello Cecilia
WoW .... Thank you so much for all your sweet words! Now you say, you are the biggest fan of me, but did you know that I am the BIGGEST fan of all my fans! So I am also your biggest fan! :-D
You and all the other fans, gives me the energy and the desire to constantly improve and develop myself! And OF COURSE also Danish Skin Care! So your sweet words means a lot to me!
- And do not worry, there's nothing wrong in being a fangirl, I am also a fangirl sometimes! :-)
You should never apologize for your passion! Not even if your passion is directed towards a long-haired, energy bomb and expert in beautiful skin like me! It's a great thing to be passionate about if I have to say so myself. ;-D
But before I answer your question about giving a discount, I would like to say a few words about the other things you write.
First of all, I'm really sorry you have to fight with oily and blemished skin! And it's wildly uncomfortable to have inflamed pimples! They can really hurt! I also understand your frustrations! It's so annoying when skin care products do not work and skin care manufacturers do not keep what they promise!
So even though you can feel incredibly alone, especially when you are suffering from skin problems, you are not alone! It is also not uncommon to struggle with oily skin, acne or pimples! In fact, 85% of the entire population gets pimples at some point in their lives. Of course, that does not change your problems, but at least you should know that you are not alone!
- But luckily there is a solution to your skin problems! And a discount is not the answer!
But before you get the solution to your skin problems and I answer your question about discount, deals and offers. I would like to talk about your bad self-esteem and your use of makeup!
Because when I was a teenager and struggled with skin problems, my cover stick was my very best friend! It was perfect to cover my pimples, not all of them, but at least some of them. And the cover stick gave me a little more confidence. But as soon as the pimples showed their ugly face again, my bad self-esteem did so too!
So I really understand your situation! I also understand why you feel a need to spend a lot of time on your makeup! But in the long run, it was not my cover stick that saved my self-esteem. It was my focus on solving my skin problems! And to work with my own mindset!
Should I get a annoying pimple, I still have my faithful cover stick! :-) And do not think I am telling you to drop all your makeup! Because makeup is amazing! But it is not skin care!
I wont tell you how to avoid creating skin problems from using makeup. Instead, you should read my super amazing guide here! :-)
- We have a great guide about makeup and skin problems right here:
But I would like to encourage you to stop and consider your situation. :-) Now you spend a lot of time covering your skin problems with makeup. So you use a lot of makeup because you want to hide your skin problems. Makeup takes a lot of your time, that is, time you could spend on other things in your everyday life. But now your question is about discounts, deals and saving money, but all your makeup must also cost a lot of money.
So maybe you should try to change your focus for a while? So rather than focusing on hiding and covering your skin problems, your focus should be on how you can reduce your skin problems.
When you reduce your skin problems, you can use less makeup. So you save money and you can spend the money on Danish Skin Care's skin care products. And I am sure, the products will remove your skin problems, and you will get the skin you want. Even without a discount!
- But before you say it's completely impossible! Just let me give you some tips. You can do them every single day and they are (almost) free! :-)
There are actually three simple tips that I use every single day! And even though they are not actual skin care tips, they give me a healthier body, more beautiful skin and greater self-esteem!
- Be sure to eat healthy! Healthy food does not have to be boring or expensive! You do not have to be fanatic! And while focusing on healthier diets, you can still drink a cocktail when you are partying and you can still eat a whipped cream cake! But be sure to get a lot of varied food with lots of healthy and tasty vegetables! Your body will love you for it and the same goes for your skin!
- Be sure to get lots of exercise! It does not have to be in the fitness center, which often requires an expensive subscription! Instead take your friend's hand and walk out into the world! Then you get a lot of exercise and fresh air while you can talk about all the important things in your life!
- Make sure to think a lot of positive thoughts! Smile to yourself in the mirror! Say to yourself you are beautiful! Practice saying never mind! Never mind the stupid pimples! It takes a little effort and a little work, but it is worth it!
All three tips will give you self-esteem and more energy! And your friends will notice it right away. :-) And it will also help to give you a nicer skin and greater radiance. And that's all without spending more money on makeup!
So hopefully, my three tips can help reduce your skin problems so you do not feel the same need to use a lot of makeup! And all the money you save, you will hopefully spend on skin care that I know works! ;-D
Because it was my own skin care products that removed my skin problems! It also made my cover stick stay in my pocket! :-)
Now back to question about a HUGE discount and special deals. :-)
We actually offer some discounts! In fact, we always offer a discount when you buy a complete skin care kit! You also do not have to pay for delivery when you purchase the complete skin care kit. The total price for a skin care kit is $169.00.
See that's a discount. Reduced price and free shipping, it's a great discount! :-)
- Get the complete skin care kit and free shipping here:
If you do not follow our newsletter, start now! You get amazing guides and knowledge about skin problems, skin care and much more! And in relation to the subject of your question, at least you will not miss out on future discounts if I suddenly want to give my followers some great deals! ;-)
In fact, you also save a lot of money by purchasing our complete skin care kit! It may sound strange ... But in fact, my skin care series makes a lot of other skin care products redundant! Because you and your skin get all it needs. So you do not have to spend huge sums of money on boosters, skin tonics or eye cream. Just stick to my simple, gentle and effective skin care series!
- That's another great offer! And even more discount! :-)
And before you know it, I'm sure my amazing, simple, effective and gentle skin care series has helped you, with your skin problems. Then you no longer have to struggle with oily and blemished skin or inflamed pimples.
- How to quickly and easily remove your pimples:
And then you do not feel forced to use a lot of makeup to cover your skin problems! Instead, you can use your makeup to emphasize your beautiful skin and beautiful face. :-)
Without the use of huge discounts and special offers, you actually have: Saved money! Have the skin you want! And seized power over your makeup!
- And now you decide how much makeup you wanna use. That's amazing. :-)
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