Author Mads Timmermann
Mads has 14+ years of experience as a skin expert and has written/read this article.
Hi Jeanette
I am really glad you asked me, because there is certainly some things that in my opinion pops out, and I believe your skincare routine could get a lot better! :-D
1) Weekly masks or scrubs / exfoliation is not good for the skin ... A cleansing 1-2 times a week requires that the product is fairly harsh, else it cant remove several days of dirt, sweat and grease.
A daily exfoliation is much better as it can be be gentle but still really effective. And a daily exfoliation is far more effective, because you do not have to fight old dirt. With a daily exfoliation you make sure, that your skin is always clean.
2) A skin tonic is a 80 / 90s relic .. AND completely unnecessary today, especially if you use a good cleansing product and a good cream.
Actually, a skin tonic is used remove soap residues and moisturize the skin (thus give extra moisture as creams could not contain enough)
Today you do not use soap in skincare. Or rather, you should not, as it can cause pimples and impurities - a bit like you experience it now. Instead, you should always use a skincare product with cleansing ingredients. Never soap!
And in regard to extra moisture, much has happened over the last 10 years - and today's creams can contain all the moisture the skin needs.
So skin tonic is just an additional and unnecessarily product.
3) Serum is really just an extra-indifferent product.
Creams can easily contain LOTS of ingredients so that you do not need a serum, booster or the like. And thus you can remove a product and save money and time in front of the mirror, because great creams contain all the ingredients your skin needs! :-)
In addition, with serums there is a very big risk of over-treating your skin. Where creams are carefully measured to give exactly the amount of ingredient your skin needs - it's completely opposed to serum, usually consisting of a high concentration of one ingredient. This means that the risk of over-treatment is very high when using serums or boosters.
And over-treatment of the skin, leads to skin irritation, often seen by outbreaks of pimples, redness of the skin or irritated skin.
So as to whether you have a good skin care series - unfortunately - I really think that it could be a lot better! :-S
So I would strongly recommend you to take a closer look at Danish Skin Care skincare series - it is specially designed to properly nourish the skin based on the knowledge studies and research have documented works. And with a minimum of products, you save money and time in front of the mirror - and instead you can spend your time enjoying your family, friends and your self! :-D
In addition, the Danish Skin Care series contains lots of different ingredients that help to care and treat the skin optimally - and the series remedies the most common skin problems, such as pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, pigment damage, sun damage, dull and uneven skin - and of course the series also contain lots of Anti-aging, antioxidants and repairing ingredients to ensure a beautiful, nice and healthy skin.
At the same time, Danish Skin Care is a simple 3-step system consisting of 4 products that you use to clean and treat your skin with in the morning and evening:
- Perfect Skin Face Wash: A cleansing product that gently and efficiently removes dirt, grease and sweat. Wash the face (possibly under the shower), foam a little product into the hands and rub it in. Rinse with plenty of water and pat dry the face.
Perfect Skin Day Protection: A day cream with SPF, which is extremely important to give the skin the strength and protection to fight skin problems and to heal itself. The day cream also protects the skin against the sun's harmful rays - the sun's rays account for 70% of our skin problems. So sunscreen, and UVA/UVB filter is extremely important! At the same time, the product is filled with good ingredients and vitamins for the skin.
- Perfect Skin Face Wash: A cleansing product that gently and efficiently removes dirt, grease and sweat. Wash the face (possibly under the shower), foam a little product into the hands and rub it in. Rinse with plenty of water and pat dry the face.
- Perfect Skin Power Treat: A daily exfoliation that will effectively remove dead skin cells from your skin, thereby helping to smooth out bumps, wrinkles and remove discolourations / pigment changes. At the same time, the product has a really good effect against pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. The product is both calming, deep-cleasing, reparing and soothing. Use the product by dripping it on a a cotton pad (or in the palm of your hand) and rub it on the face.
- Perfect Skin Moisturizer: A night cream filled with good vitamins and minerals that will help to rebuild and protect your skin all night - and really boost your skin.
Regarding creams, it's important to choose a cream for your own skin type - if you have a tendency to oily skin, then you choose the range: normal to oily skin. If you have a dry skin, choose the series: Normal to dry skin.
You get about 3 months of use with a skin care kit from Danish Skin Care. The products are really great - and you get a lot of vitamins, minerals and other FANTASTIC ingredients with a collection set from Danish Skin Care.
But the best thing about the Danish Skin Care skincare series is, that the series is so easy to use and it does not take long. You don't have to think about boosters, spot-treatments, masks or skin tonics etc. you get it all in our simple, gentle and effective skincare series.
In addition, the series is 100% free from perfume, colorants and skin irritating ingredients.
- Get the right Danish Skin Care skincare kit for your skin type here.
I hope I have answered your questions - otherwise just write me again. I would love to help you to get rid of your skin problems. :-D
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