Author Mads Timmermann
Mads has 14+ years of experience as a skin expert and has written/read this article.
Hello Christina
Thanks for all your sweet words :-D Nice to hear that you were happy about reading my book - and its fantastic that you could use so many of the tips and tricks I gave :-D :-D
It is always nice with positive feedback, thank you so much for it! :-D
And I would certainly like to help you choose the right skin care products. And I'm sure you will LOVE my skin care series - especially because of your skin and skin problems, I'm just sure you'll love the series :-)
Specifically, you will definitely be very fond of the Perfect Skin Power Treat:
- Get Perfect Skin Power Treat to treat the skin and remove uneven wrinkled skin
It's really a good product to remove and solve skin problems :-D And ensure a uniform skin surface that is not uneven and bumpy ... and it's FANTASTIC for clogged pores as the skin is really thoroughly but gently cleaned by Perfect Skin Power Treat.
Compared to which series you have to choose - and of course Perfect Skin Power Treat is included - it's actually quite easy. You just have to see and feel ... and maybe think back on your skin during the day.
Do you feel that your skin is dry - that your skin tightens, flakes etc during your everyday life. Then you are skin is definitely dry and therefor you should choose:
- Skincare for dry and flaky skin
If you feel that your skin is greasy - your skin may shine, your skin may feel oily and greasy throughout the day. Then, you should definitely choose the range for normal-oily skin:
- Skincare for greasy and shiny skin
Based on your description of how your skin is during the day - more and more greasy. Then it's completely safe to say, that you should definitely choose the skincare series for oily skin:
- Get skincare series for greasy, shiny and sticky skin
This gives you plenty of good ingredients that will care and treat your skin - while the creams will make sure your skin is faded so you do not feel shiny and sticky during the day :-)
With the total skin-care kit for normal to oily skin, you get a super simple skin care routine. And it looks just like this:
- Perfect Skin Face Wash: A cleansing product that gently and efficiently removes dirt from your skin. Wash the face (possibly under the shower), foam a little product into the hands and rub it in. Rinse with plenty of water and pat your face dry.
- Perfect Skin Day Protector: A day cream filled with good vitamins and minerals that will help to rebuild and protect the skin throughout the day. UVA / UVB sun protection.
- Perfect Skin Face Wash: A cleansing product that gently and efficiently removes dirt from your skin. Wash the face (possibly under the shower), foam a little product into the hands and rub it in. Rinse with plenty of water and pat your face dry.
- Perfect Skin Power Treat: A daily exfoliation, which effectively removes dead skin cells from your skin, thereby helping to smooth out bumps, wrinkles and remove discolorations / pigment changes. While the product has a very good effect against pimples, blackheads, sebum buds. The product is also calming. Use the product by dipping a cotton pad (or in the palm of your hand) and rub the face.
- Perfect Skin Moisturizer: A night cream filled with good vitamins and minerals that will help to rebuild and protect your skin all night - and really boost your skin. Just smear it directly on top of the Perfect Skin Power Treat.
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