Wrinkles, pimples and unclean skin - What should you do?

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Author Mads Timmermann

Mads has 14+ years of experience as a skin expert and has written/read this article.

Home / Blog / Guides / Wrinkles, pimples and unclean skin – What should you do?

Question: “Wrinkles, pimples and unclean skin - What should you do?”

Hi Mads

I just bought your book today … it is some really interesting reading! And I am really curious about trying your skin care products. But, I have some questions before I get started: I am 36 years old, but as you say in you book, age does not matter when it comes to skin care! ;-D

I have “fine” lines or “dry” lines? And I really don’t think they should be showing already! The lines are around the eyes – especially on the side and below they eyes and I also have a slightly wrinkled forehead. The eyelids has begone to hang a little (but enough !!!) which I NEVER have been bothered with before.

2. On my nose and the skin between the nose and mouth – not the whole cheek – I suffer from bigger pores than in the rest of the face! It is not so pretty and certainly does not look nice if I use foundation or skin powder!

3. Immediately after I have washed my face and wiped it dry, my skin begins to pull and tighten! I have tried a lot of different moisturizing products, but without any luck! My skin gets smoother and nourished but once the cream is removed we are at status quo! Which makes me think, that the products that I have tried, by no means moisturize my skin in depth but only works on the surface (really frustrating!)

4. And then I have a tendency to get slightly blemished skin. Let me say right away that I can not help but touch, scratch and squeeze when there is something that should not be in my face. I am not violently bothered, but I ALWAYS seem to have some impurities that just do not want to disappear. Often it on the chin and around the mouth, and sometimes on the nose and a bit in on my forehead.

What would your best advice be for me in terms of skin care products if I want to address the above problems?

And then I finally have to ask you why you have a Night Cream in your skin care series when you in your book say that the skin needs the same care throughout the day, which to me makes the Night Cream redundant. You say that the difference is the sun protection factor that is in the Day Cream and not in the Night Cream, but you can not use the Day Cream despite the solar protection factor at night? The good properties in the Day Cream should still be beneficial even though your skin does not need sun protection when it is night?

I really hope you can shed some light on my questions! :-D

Best Regards

Answer to: “Wrinkles, pimples and unclean skin - What should you do?”

Hi Rikke

First of all, thank you :-D It is so GREAT that you are fond of my book “Healthy Body, Beautiful Skin, and FANTASTIC Charisma” :-D It is as a big compliment that you after reading my book want to get started with my skin care series – and I’m sure you’ll be really happy with all the products! :-D

And no! Age has absolutely no significance – we all need to care for our body, skin and minds with great ingredients, vitamins, minerals, exercise and thoughts :-D We all benefit from it. Regardless of age :-D

And HEY – you are still so young! :-D

But I would love to answer your questions – and please remember to write again if I forget something. Or if more questions should appear.

With regard to skin type, I’m sure – because of your fine description of your skin – that you should clearly have the range of normal-dry skin so that you get moisture on the skin. Now it does not mean that your skin becomes “greasy” during the day. You just need more moisture for the skin :-D

– Get the skin care series for normal-dry skin here.

This will make your daily routine be this simple and wonderful:


– Perfect Skin Face Wash – The Blue
– Perfect Skin Day Protector – The Orange


– Perfect Skin Face Wash – The Blue
– Perfect Skin Power Treat – The Red
– Perfect Skin Moisturizer – The Green

Regarding the day and night cream issue, I clearly understand your reasoning! Or confusion. The point is primarily that your day cream and your night cream should not be different – in the sense that your skin needs good ingredients 24 hours a day. Look at someone thinking that a night cream needs to rebuild and fix the skin through the night. That’s wrong! BOTH your day cream and night cream should protect, rebuild and care for your skin! :-D

The difference between a day and night cream should only be the sun protection factor. Therefore, your skin does not require special ingredients that can only repair the skin through the night. But, of course, your skin needs sunscreen throughout the day, so you avoid all the many problems the sun can make.

And note that I say filter, because the sun filter is a bit like makeup. It is located on top of the skin and “decorates” – and protects the skin.

Sunscreen is SUPER good, but the skin also needs a little break – just like the skin needs a break from makeup … and your skin gets this break through out the night when you have a night cream without sunscreen :-)

Hope this help remove some of your confusion about the need for day creams and night creams :-D

Now, before you think that i have forgotten and skipped your problem with your nosy fingers and your need to touch, scratch and squeeze your impurities – no no no – I have certainly not.

Let me just begin by saying that the big yellow and inflamed pimples – those should always be pressed, squeezed and popped. However, I would always recommend that you use a tool designed specifically to do it – it could be my Magic Tool that easily and gently press, squeeze and pop pimples:

ALL other types of skin impurities – whiteheads, blackheads, red pimples etc, etc. – you really should keep your fingers away from those. I know it’s hard … Especially if you already have a habit of pressing, squeezing and touching again and again and again. The downside is, however, that you can create wounds, making the problem far worse and you also risk getting scars.

I usually recommend that as soon as you get the “desire” to scratch and touch the impurities – get up immediately. No matter where you are and what situation you are in and make it a habit to move to the nearest sink (maybe with your hands in your pocket) and drink 5 big sips of water.

It sounds simple – and maybe a little silly – but I promise you that once you’ve been through the process. Then you forget all about touching or scratching your pimples. A lot of the time, it’s all about bad habits – and boredom.

So as soon as you get the urge to scratch, touch or squeeze then just get up and get to the nearest sink and drink 5 large sips of water.

If you are at home, you can also use a little Perfect Skin Power Treat on the area where you have impurities – just a tiny bit, it will soothe and calm. And you will soon remove the impurities.

And after a short while with the Danish Skin Care skincare products – you will not have the need to touch, scratch and squeeze your impurities – because you probably wont suffer from skin problems any longer! :-D The products will remove and solve your skin problems long before you see a pimple or impurity on the surface of your skin

So what are you waiting for? Get started with the Danish Skin Care products – I’m sure you’ll really love the products! ;-D

I hope I have answered all your questions, but you can always write to me again if you have more questions.

Have a great day! :-D

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