Author Mads Timmermann
Mads has 14+ years of experience as a skin expert and has written/read this article.
Hi Natasja
Naturally, I am very sorry to hear that you are so bothered by pimples and unclean skin.
And where do I really understand that you do not want to get started with Isotretinoin. It's seriously also an extremely hard pillow! Such a really hard treatment of pimples that you need to be put on. In addition, it is a treatment that requires you to eat the pills for 6-8 months. Otherwise, it has no effect. In fact, directly opposite. Now I do not scare you, but will also mention that it is therefore 6-8 months when your skin is bone dry, huge red, your lips will crack and your skin will be really ugly in 6-8 months. And just to name some of the common side effects - in addition, many people get extra sleepy and many experience aching aching muscles.
The more serious side effects that luckily do not affect many, I would not mention. The side effects I have already mentioned and as most people experience - so be prepared and ready to handle for 6 to 8 months. So yes, the pill and Isotretinoin are a hard treatment for pimples.
In this connection, I almost also have to point out that I always recommend Isotretinoin only as a "last" resort after trying some of the other treatments available. Immediately does it seem that your dermatologist did not really talk about other treatments with you? And I also have a little impression from your message that you have not really tried so much else - and yes, I would almost recommend you to start somewhere else than Isotretinoin. That's SERIOUS, a hard treatment! And I should also point out that there is therefore no guarantee that it will remedy your skin problems! I have helped a lot of people, who 6-18 months after treatment with isotretinoin have been pimpleed again. Also, it is really a hard treatment when it does not last for more than 6 months: -S
- Learn more about acne medication, drugs and medicines for acne here.
But it sounds - thankfully I would say - also that you want to start somewhere else than with Isotretinoin. And I can only agree :-) There is so much else that you can do to fight pimples.
However, contraceptives are NOT one of the treatments. Birth control pills are not medications for pimples. The pill must make sure that you do not get your period, then begin to gamble with birth control pills as medication for acne - I really can not recommend. There is at least as great a risk that it gets worse as it gets better.
What I really strongly recommend you is to click the link below and sign up for my newsletter! Then you can see my movies about treating pimples and unclean skin. It's completely free! And you really get many great tips for treating pimples and unclean skin. So you really get an incredible lot of super tips that can help you properly treat your skin - so you get rid of your pimples quickly:
- Get the The Danish Acne Cure for free here.
Next, I would recommend you to get started with the Danish Skin Care skin care series. It is developed by me, after many years I have struggled with acne - and I have used the series to fight my own severe acne.
The Danish Skin Care skin care series is specially developed for acne skin based on the knowledge studies and research has proven to work. It is a very mild skin care series, completely free of side effects, but still VERY effective to fight pimples and unclean skin. While you're wearing and treating your skin, you'll quickly get a nice blemish-free skin. :-D
In addition, the Danish Skin Care series is a simple 3-step system consisting of 4 products that you use to clean and treat your skin with morning and evening:
- Perfect Skin Face Wash: A cleansing product that gently and efficiently removes dirt, grease and sweat. Wash the face (possibly under the shower), foam a little product into the hands and rub it in. Rinse with plenty of water and pat dry the face.
Perfect Skin Day Protection: A day cream with SPF, which is extremely important to give the skin the strength and protection to fight skin problems and to heal itself. The day cream also protects the skin against the sun's harmful rays - the sun's rays account for 70% of our skin problems. So sunscreen, and UVA/UVB filter is extremely important! At the same time, the product is filled with good ingredients and vitamins for the skin.
- Perfect Skin Face Wash: A cleansing product that gently and efficiently removes dirt, grease and sweat. Wash the face (possibly under the shower), foam a little product into the hands and rub it in. Rinse with plenty of water and pat dry the face.
- Perfect Skin Power Treat: A daily exfoliation that will effectively remove dead skin cells from your skin, thereby helping to smooth out bumps, wrinkles and remove discolourations / pigment changes. At the same time, the product has a really good effect against pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. The product is both deep cleansing, calming, soothing and sedative. Use the product by dripping it on a a cotton pad (or in the palm of your hand) and rub it on the face.
- Perfect Skin Moisturizer: A night cream filled with good vitamins and minerals that will help to rebuild and protect your skin all night - and really boost your skin.
The Danish Skin Care skincare kit is a fantastic effective and gentle treatment for acne, pimples and unclean skin!
- Get the right skincare kit for your skin type here.
At the same time, I would strongly advise you to drop all kinds of dairy products and cows milk - as is mentioned in the The Danish Acne Cure, cow's milk is the only food that directly causes pimples. At least try to drop cow's milk for 30 days and see if you will not experience a good result :-D
- Read more about milk, dairy products and pimples here.
In addition to the advice I have already given, I will also suggest that you go to the pharmacy and get a multivitamin product - just to be sure your deposits are fully loaded, so you do not lack important vitamins and minerals! ... Be sure to get a multivitamin with both iron and vitamin D: -) Many girls lack iron, so make sure that your multivitamin contains iron :-)
At the same time, it may be a good idea to go past a health food business (unfortunately not all pharmacies have this) and get a mineral supplement in the form of zinc tablets. Zinc is great for your skin, and it really helps you skin to repair it self - and it will also help with you skin problems in general.
I really hope it was an answer to your questions - otherwise you will have to write me again. I'd love to help you, so that you can get rid of your acne! :-D
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